Deep Cleaning & Gum Treatment
During the time spent on a normal dental cleaning (also viewed as scaling), your dental specialist disposes of tartar and plaque from your teeth beneath or more the gumline. This procedure also includes the watchful cleaning of the surfaces of the roots (known as root planing).

For extreme or propelled gum infection (periodontitis), your dental specialist may suggest a profound cleaning for you. Profound cleanings help patients in staying away from more cruel medicines as respects gum ailment, which could result in tooth misfortune if left untreated.
Root Planing
This disposes of tartar and plaque from these roots while smoothing out the unpleasant spots in the roots where microscopic organisms are gathered.
This evacuates the microscopic organisms adding to gum disease and influencing the gums to have a smooth surface for reattachment. Root planning can take between one to two hours on a few meetings with the dental specialist.
After Your Deep Cleaning
After the procedure, you may encounter tooth affectability, soreness, or seeping for some days after root planing and scaling. Guarantee you see your dental specialist to do a subsequent arrangement to check if your gums are recuperating quick and the profundity of periodontal pockets.
If you would prefer not to complete another profound cleaning, only pursue the fundamental strides of brushing your teeth two times every day, eating a reasonable eating routine, keeping away from tobacco and accepting standard dental cleanings dependent on the suggestions of your dental specialist.
Gum Treatment
The best treatment for gum disease is the practice of good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene involves the following:
- brushing your teeth for two minutes before going to bed including on another occasion every day
- using toothpaste with the right quantity of fluoride
- Not smoking
- Flossing your teeth regularly – on a daily basis preferably – before brushing your teeth
- Visiting your dentist regularly – at least once in a year, but more frequently if required
Antiseptic mouthwashes which contain hexetidine or chlorhexidine are available over the counter in many pharmacies in Houston.
Dental treatments
The following dental treatments may also be recommended.
Scale and polish
This will help get rid of hardened plaque and tartar that can accumulate on your teeth.
Root Planing
In some mild cases of gum disease, debridement (or root planing) may be required. It is a deep clean beneath the gums to get rid of bacteria from the teeth’s roots.
Further treatment
For severe gum disease, you may be subjected to further treatment like periodontal surgery. In such a case, it is required to remove the affected tooth. Consult your dentist to tell you about the procedure or method in which it is carried out. They can even direct you to a dental specialist, if necessary.
You may also be treated with antibiotics, such as amoxicillin or metronidazole for ANUG. You will be required to take them for three days.
Quitting smoking
Smoking is considered one of the most significant risk factors for gum disease. If you give up on smoking, you can significantly improve or enhance your oral hygiene.